Guides & Manuals
This page contains various documents such as guides and manuals that provide important information about the operation of the cadet program. Cadets and their parents should take the time to review these documents to understand the various aspects of the cadet program.
Click on any of the yellow document titles below to open the document in a separate window or download them in PDF format. A brief description of each document is provided.
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATO)
This document defines the duties and powers assigned to commanding officers and officers in charge of cadets in matters of discipline, in order to encourage a fair, sound and constructive application and serve as a guide for dealing with incidents of misconduct.
This document establishes the policy for rank promotions of cadets at the squadron.
This document provides a table depicting the various cadet ranks, their progression, and their relation in the leadership team model.
This document provides details on how merit review boards are to be conducted for the purpose of cadet promotions requiring them.
This document describes the organization and attribution criteria of national cadet honours and awards.
The Lord Strathcona Trust Fund Medal, most commonly referred to as the Lord Strathcona Medal is the highest award, which can be bestowed upon a cadet in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training.
The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Cadet Medal of Excellence is awarded in recognition for individual endeavours in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement.
Squadron Orders
Squadron Standing Orders are issued under the authority of the Commanding Officer. These Standing Orders outline the established policies and procedures as carried out by the Squadron and are to be adhered to by all cadets, civilian instructors and CIC officers.
The designation of the Squadron Fire Warden, and their is responsibility to the Commanding Officer for all aspects of fire prevention, fire fighting training and fire control.
These Standing Orders are issued under the authority of the Commanding Officer of 699 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets. These orders are published in order to familiarize all personnel with the safe and efficient operation of ranges under 699 Squadron control. These orders apply to all personnel, whether 699 Squadron members or visiting personnel from other units while on any range activity controlled by 699 Jasper Place Squadron.
Other Documents & Procedures
This publication, issued under CDS authority, details CAF dress and personal appearance policy, authorized dress items and the method of wearing all uniforms and accoutrements.
This publication provides guidance and establishes uniformity for drill and ceremonial throughout the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
The Mess Dinner is one of the most important traditions of the Canadian Forces. This document details the Mess Dinner customs and how a Mess Dinner should be conducted. This common standard ensures that our rich heritage is preserved.
The purpose of this document is to help you learn strategies to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.