The 699 Squadron is supported by the 699 Air Cadets Support Wing Society. The sponsors form a Squadron Sponsoring Committee that assists in the operation of the Squadron. The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is responsible for fundraising, securing facilities for the Squadron to do its training and administration, assisting in finding suitable adults to enroll as officers and civilian instructors and to assist in recruiting cadets. The Sponsoring Committee’s funds make supplemental optional activities and programs such as citizenship trips and bands that are not funded by the Canadian Forces possible.
The 699 Air Cadets Support Wing Society’s Board of Directors are elected by its members each year at the Annual General Meeting (usually held in May). The membership is made up of parents and guardians of cadets in the Squadron.
The Executive and Board of Directors manage the overall affairs of the 699 Air Cadets Support Wing Society. This group meets once a month to review financial statements, correspondence, and upcoming events, consult with the Commanding Officer, and resolve any issues. All meetings are open to all parents and friends of the Squadron, but only the Directors can vote at the monthly meetings. Throughout the year, the Sponsoring Committee will inform parents of Squadron activities, upcoming events, fundraisers, or changes in policies.
Parents Handbook
The Parent/Guardian Information Handbook is a critical resource for every cadet's legal guardian to review. It provides important information about cadets, including:
Uniform Responsibilities
Promotions, Levels, and Ranks
Summer Courses
Parential Involvement
Key Contact Information
It is important that you download and review this document at the beginning of each year of cadets, as information does change.
As a parent/Guardian of a cadet in 699 Squadron you are a member of the 699 Air Cadets Support Wing Society. This entitles you to vote at the Annual General Meeting and participate at any cadet functions. For the safety of the Cadets any parent/guardian or friend of the Squadron who volunteers for more than two functions in a year (where you are interacting with the cadets) are subject to:
1. A Criminal Record Check (as and when required and for members of a non-profit
society the fee for this is usually waved). Criminal Record checks are valid for five
2. A committee interview. Upon successful completion of the screening process you are
entitled to participate in all events as a volunteer.
Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC)
The 699 Squadron Sponsoring Committee is comprised of the parents of the cadets and are generally the elected executive of the 699 Air cadets Support Wing Society . The four executive positions are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. The committee meets the first Wednesday of every month, the same day as the Commanding Officer’s Parade, at 6:45 p.m. at the West Edmonton Baptist Church. They welcome all parents and guardians to attend their meetings. Please come, get acquainted, and be involved in your youth’s program. The more you are involved, the better the opportunities to influence the additional activities, that our youth can participate in.
The current SSC Executive Committee members are:
Chair – Shane Fraser
Vice Chair – Uyi Airuehia
Treasurer – Jim Johnson
Vice Treasurer – Rachelle Mclean
Secretary – Amy Fraser
Fundraising Director – Rachelle Mclean
Casino Director – Kate Simms Maye
Background Check Director – Chenai Ross
Canteen Director - Mariselle Sauriol
Directors at Large – Vince Byfield, Krystle Elaine, Khaleel Farooki, Tammy Prevost, Jesse Wichmann, Helen Funnell
SSC Email:
(Note: Only for Parent with SSC Questions. Not for reporting cadets absent.)
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is faced with ever increasing expenses, which are required to help deliver the Air Cadet program. As such, the Committee is always looking for sources of income to cover these various expenses. Throughout the year, we ask cadets and parents to help in several fundraising events to help maintain the high level of activities planned for the training year.
Although much of the Air Cadet program is funded through the Department of National Defence; a lot of the program and equipment is still funded by the Support Wing Society. Familiarization power flying, transportation to some Squadron events, the purchase of musical instruments and band accessories and other incidentals are some of the items not funded by DND. The sponsoring committee pays the rent, cell phone, trophies/awards presented at annual, sports night’s fees, and transportation for any outside of country/province trips. We must also pay administrative costs such as telephone, contents insurance, trophies, awards and sponsoring costs.
The major fundraising activity is a Casino which the Society has every 18 to 20 months. Parents and friends of cadets may wish to make a financial donation to the Support Wing Society to help offset the many operating costs as identified above. A receipt for tax purposes will be issued on request for donations over $20.00. If you wish to make a contribution, please contact the Support Wing Society chairperson or treasurer. Cheques and/or donations can be made payable to '699 Air Cadets Support Wing Society'.